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Check if html th is on focus
I want to find out wether my HTML Event is on focus (not if it is clicked but focused by navigating with the keyboard).
myElement === document.activeElement
is only true when the element is clicked but not when it's focused by keyboard navigation.
  var myElement = document.getElementById("myID");
  let myEvent = "";
  if (myElement=== document.activeElement){
     myEvent = "focus";

return myEvent;

<th id="myID" *ngSwitchCase="'validation'" tooltipEvent={{tooltip()}} pTooltip="I am a tooltip"
          tooltipPosition="top" [escape]="false"   [pSortableColumn]="column.field" [ngStyle]="">
            <div class="col-title">
            <span data-testid="column-validationl-header" class="ui-column-title" >Validation </span>
              <p-sortIcon [field]="column.field" *ngIf="column.sortable"></p-sortIcon>
any Ideas?
Hi opti13403,
this Forum is a German Forum. Please write in German in the future in this forum. I have a suitable solution for your problem. I hope it helps you.

'use strict';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
var elem, isfocus;
function init() {
    isfocus = false;
    elem = elem = document.getElementById("myID");
    elem.addEventListener('focus', function() {
        isfocus = true;
    elem.addEventListener('blur', function() {
        isfocus = false;

In this case i use two different event-handler. One to trigger on an focus-event and one for the blur-event. Your code is buggy and it is not written in the HTML or in the HTML5-Standard. TH as element stands for tablehead and is an part of a table.
This is not an element in HTML or HTML5. The p-element stands for paragraph.
Zitat:<p class="sortIcon" data-field="column.field" data-ngIf="column.sortable"></p>

bw rzscout

"Gerne dürft ihr mir eine gute Bewertung da lassen aber auch gegenüber Kritik bin ich offen" Angel

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